
We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to the Johnson family, Nathan Jiang! Please join us here as we update you on our adventures as we bring Nathan home.

~He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14~

Monday, January 31, 2011

Surgery day, 2 months later

 Keith and I are not sitting at the beach, but this picture was from our time in Daytona at New Staff training where we were there.  Nathan enjoyed eating some sand and covering himself in it too.  What a dear little guy he is.  
Instead, we are sitting in the waiting room at Arnold Palmer Children's Hospital waiting to see Nathan after his 2 hour surgery.

 This morning around 10:45 he was wheeled away from us to undergo 4 procedures and we're gratefully reporting that he is sitting in the recovery area and doing well.  He had, of course, his palate surgery but another Doctor first checked his trachea to see for sure if it was wide enough for incubation.  It was.  [For those of you who don't know, the Doctor in China who fixed his cleft lip had difficulties incubating him and so this was an important thing to check].  He also had ear tubes put in his ears and had some blood work done.
All in all, it was quite a morning for him and for us.  

The two months we've had to be a part of Nathan's story have now moved onto a new depth.  Our little boy has been through so much already and now he is moving forward.  Now by God's grace Nathan will begin to hear sounds he has never heard and speak words he's never been able to form.  With his palate restored and his ear tube's in a whole new world will open up for him.  Praise the Lord!!!
So, for those of you who knew about this and prayed, THANK YOU and for those of you who are just getting the info now, we cherish your prayers for his recovery.  I'll be writing more in here the next few days while I'm in the hospital with him.  Until then.


  1. so glad that all went well! what fun to think that he will be able to hear your words of love to him more clearly and form words of love back to you all!!

  2. So good to hear this report. Nathan and you'all have been on our hearts, prayers and minds. Do you know how long until he can eat real food again, etc? Big hug to all...

  3. So glad to hear the everything went well today. He will be talking your"ears" off before you know it. The entire Mingarelli family can't wait to meet you little one and we are anxiously waiting till summer.
