
We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to the Johnson family, Nathan Jiang! Please join us here as we update you on our adventures as we bring Nathan home.

~He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14~

Monday, December 6, 2010

Made in China

How many things in your home have the tag "Made in China"? Long before God had put Chinese adoption on our hearts, we would talk about all of the things made in China and how hard it was to fathom all that came from there to our country. The most "American" looking things would still have that little tag.

Last night when we were out walking after dinner, I saw the little t-shirt that is on Nathan reading those words, "Made in China". Who could have every guessed that we would cherish those words like we do and that we would have in our hands a little someone that we would forever have and hold. So, now being made in China is a whole different reality for us, hmmm.

Along those lines, we are getting closer than ever to bringing Nathan home. Today we went with him to the American Consulate here and took the oath for him so that he could become a U.S. citizen. The woman in the room who walked us through the process told us that this year there will be about 24,000 immigrant visas from China and that adoptions represent 3,000 of those 24,000. Of the 3,000 adoptions about 2/3 of them are special needs adoptions. So, approximately 2,000 special needs Chinese children will find homes in the U.S. this year. Isn't that amazing?

There were 33 families (8 of which were from our agency) who stood together and raised our right hands repeating the words of promise and oath on behalf of our children. When we finished there was a round of applause from all of us and a huge lump in my throat. A few minutes later our names were called and Keith, Nathan and I went up to sign the last official piece of documentation before going home. And when that plane touches down in Chicago in a few short days, Nathan will officially be a U.S. citizen.

It's all such a whirlwind for me at times. How can this be real? At the consulate they mentioned that they knew that some of us in that room had been waiting a long time for this day and that they were excited with us that it had arrived. Amen and Amen is all I can say. We have waited and the Lord is good.

Now, back in our hotel room before dinner Keith and I have each taken our turns tumbling and giggling and playing with Nathan. He was pushing me over and then I'd sit up and then he'd push me over again. And when he really giggles, it is just enough to melt this mother's heart. I love holding him close and just telling him that he belongs to us and that we will never leave him. He has a home in America with us and we are so excited. Keith has even taken to singing the "Star Spangled Banner" a few times!!

Although Nathan Jiang Johnson was truly made by God, he was formed in his birth mother's womb here in China. He WAS "Made in China". And now, like all those things from China, he will make his way to America. But, he is, of course, not for sale!!!! He's totally ours and worth more than all the best jade China has to offer!


  1. LOVE the shirt! When do you get home? Once you're all settled in and family has had a chance to meet him, I'd love to come and see you all too. I know how crazy those first few weeks can be, so no rush--just let me know when you're ready!

  2. So great! You all are doing so well and making such great memories together -- starting a lifetime of those memories.

  3. I am so excited for you guys. Can't wait to meet nathan - I was looking for you already in church yesterday. Sheri penman

  4. So wonderful to see all of these great pictures and see your heart. I'm proud to say that his first steps on American soil will be in that grand city of CHICAGO! :-) When do you arrive? Is there even a remote possibility that we could see you in the airport??? No pressure whatsoever - and it may not be feasible, especially considering security, logistics and emotions upon entering the USA! Just thought I'd throw it out there.... Regardless, thanks for keeping us posted. You're all doing so well!
