
We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to the Johnson family, Nathan Jiang! Please join us here as we update you on our adventures as we bring Nathan home.

~He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14~

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A quiet, healthy day

Today was a day for me to re-enter life after being sick most of yesterday. Thanks to those of you who were praying for me. I'm very grateful to be healthy again.

This morning there was an optional tour to a local museum in Zhengzhou that we could have gone on, but we realized that we needed some quiet time and space to relax with Nathan and recover. So, we leisurely enjoyed our breakfast at the hotel (which has been our favorite meal every day), took a walk with Nathan down to a nearby park with 2 other couples and their babies and came back and played in the hotel's little play room they have set up for our kids. For me, in particular, it was "just what the doctor ordered".

Having a quieter day like this for the three of us was sweet because we could just enjoy Nathan and play together. I loved it when Keith got on one end of the teeter totter (see picture below) and then invited Nathan to join him. You should have heard Nathan squealing in laughter. He really loved it and we were loving it with him.

When you think about all of the moments you share with your children...moments that are the building blocks of your relationship, you know that there are no substitutes for time spent focusing on them. I've loved those times with Drew, Lauren and Emily and now we are beginning to have those memories with Nathan. We were told by his "nannies" that he loves to laugh and every time that laugh comes out, it makes me want to cry (a good kind of cry, of course).

So, there's nothing life changing today but on the other hand it is all the little, daily things that make our lives so rich. And we are definitely having a "rich" life here with our boy. The longer we spend time with him, the more excited I get for him to meet his brother and sisters, his grandparents, uncles and aunts, 12 cousins and friends.

"This is the day the LORD has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it"


  1. So glad to hear you are feeling better, Rhonda. :-)

    And what wonderful time you can have with Nathan together before all the hustle and bustle of a large household are added, although I can understand you wanting the other kids to meet him too....enjoy your time together bonding! The Lord is good!

  2. So glad you had a quiet day together, full of love and laughter.

    Lydia saw the pictures and said, "when is baby Nathan coming home? I want to see him." She also said that she loves his hair (big compliment from my curly girl).
