
We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to the Johnson family, Nathan Jiang! Please join us here as we update you on our adventures as we bring Nathan home.

~He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14~

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Moving on

Yes, life is moving on. My sickness has moved on and we've packed our bags and moved on from Zhengzhou and the place that we met Nathan. Yesterday was filled with packing up and going to the airport and waiting and then flying for 2 hours.

Keith and I haven't flown with a baby for awhile and that was a trip for us. He actually did really well on the flight and sat between us while the three of us ate the meal they provided. I've mentioned that Nathan is very friendly and he made a new friend in the man sitting beside us on the flight. By the end, this man had helped me put a new outfit on him (after he overflowed a diaper) and held him while we landed since Nathan was amazed by the lights of Guangzhou.

Below is a picture of us in the process of packing. We were mostly finished by the time Nathan woke up from his nap and had enough time to shoot this picture. Oh, we also found out that Nathan had a nickname in China. It was "Little Fat Cat". Isn't that something else? I love it. Those chubby cheeks say it all.

And now we are in Guangzhou. Our flight landed at 8:30 p.m. but we didn't get to our hotel until 10:30 p.m and didn't get our luggage until 11 p.m. As you can imagine, we had one exhausted little boy. And we were wiped out too. But we got up and going this morning to get a visa picture for him and have a physical done (see picture below). He was given a clean bill of health and our next big adoption thing is going for his visa on Monday.

I'm excited to share is that I did some shopping while Nathan napped this afternoon and it was really fun. Guangzhou feels like Florida, weather wise, and our hotel area reminds Keith of New Orleans. This is definitely "tourist" China, but it is beautiful to be here.

So, the next time we really "move on", it will be to come home. I can hardly wait to hug our kids and introduce everyone. We are enjoying this last stop, but also counting the days.

One last fun update is that I'm going to be able to see my dear friend Ann Brassard who is living a few hours away. She's coming in the morning and will be the first of you all to hold and meet Nathan!!! More later...


  1. So fun! I'm glad you're settled for a while until you come home. We're still praying for you all. I like Nathan's nickname.

  2. Hey, Rhonda! Just got back from our vacation and have caught up with you here. Nathan is soooo adorable! I'm glad you're feeling better.
