
We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to the Johnson family, Nathan Jiang! Please join us here as we update you on our adventures as we bring Nathan home.

~He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14~

Monday, November 22, 2010

Nathan's Story

(Originally written September 2010)
Here he is – our dear son!  But before I (Rhonda) tell you more, why don’t you find a cozy chair and grab a cup of “coffee” so you can sit down and enjoy reading the story of how God brought our son to us!

      Nathan Jiang () Johnson
Nathan means “Gift of God”, which he certainly is.  And his Chinese middle name Jiang (which sounds like my dad’s name John with a slight “g” sound on the end) was chosen to honor my father.  In Chinese, Jiang means “river”—which symbolizes strength, peace and endurance.  Not only was Nathan found by a river when he was one day old, but for Chinese Christians Jiang also signifies someone who guides people to THE River of Life (which is our prayer for him).

The Dream of International Adoption
Long before I met Keith, I dreamed of adopting internationally.  I would think about bringing a bit of God’s big world into my home and seeing my family change, for generations to come, as a result of all of us belonging to each other.  But was this God’s dream or just mine?

The Dream Begins To Come True
Five years ago, our family was happily living in Durham, North Carolina.  Our three kids were such a blessing but that dream to adopt had not gone away.  Keith knew my heart but I knew that we both needed to feel called to this.  So, I prayed and waited on the Lord.  In February 2006 Keith caught me off guard one day when told me, “I’m ready”. My response was, “Ready for what?” to which he said, “Ready to adopt.”  GOD HAD LED and so we started the application process.

Our paperwork and movement towards a finished dossier filled many Sunday afternoons and beyond that spring, summer, and even into the fall.  And then in December of 2006 our dossier was in China.  Now all we had to do was wait.

And WAIT we did!  For years and years.  There have been times of anguish and frustration.  Times of peace and settled trust.  And sometimes a little bit of everything.  Time kept moving on.  And we moved on . . . on to Florida two years ago, still without our littlest member with us.

A New Direction in our Dream
Then, in May 2009 we were invited to come to meeting with our agency’s founders, Josh and Lillian, hosted for families like ours who were waiting for a child.  Keith and I walked into that room and looked around at all the others who were waiting and longing for their babies, just like us, and my heart broke.  The car ride home that day was profoundly difficult for me.  That day was a watershed event.  I faced my heart that had become dry and detached.  I realized how sad I really was.  I was angry about waiting and didn’t want to wait anymore.

Following that meeting, we began to realize that staying on our current path (i.e., traditional “healthy” baby) would mean waiting several more years.  So, we began the process of praying for and processing whether God might be using these circumstances to redirect us to a special needs baby.  Maybe His plan all along had been that and now we were ready to consider it seriously.

All last summer and throughout the fall we thought and prayed and sought counsel.  Was this God’s plan?  Time was passing, but we wanted to make sure this was right and from Him.  Finally, as 2010 became a reality, we were ready to say “yes”.  Then, there were new rounds of paperwork.  So we dove in again.

Our Match Day Happens!
Then, finally on July 13th (Nathan’s 11 month birthday) we received word that we had been matched with a baby boy.  Our perfect match.  In God’s perfect timing. 

In the beginning, I thought we’d adopt from Europe and God led us to China.  I thought once we pursued China that we’d get a girl and God matched us with a dear little boy.  I thought that we’d have a traditional placement and God knew we would be matched with a laughing joyful little one who needed a cleft palate surgery and a few other medical things.  I thought our children would all be 2 ½ years apart and God knew that Nathan would have three older siblings (two little mommy’s and one teenage brother).  GOD KNEW and I was along for a ride of faith like I’ve never known before.

Our “Gotcha” Day is coming!
All of this and we haven’t even held him yet.  So, the waiting isn’t over, but it is almost over.  And the paperwork isn’t over, but it is almost over.  And before I know it, Keith and I will be holding him and loving him in person.  I cannot wait. . .  All of us can’t wait!!!  His orphanage is in the city of PingDingShan in the Henan Providence.  They tell us that he loves to laugh and be given attention (which we’ll be more than ready to give him).


  1. welcome to blogland. and welcome to the final leg in your long journey to nathan! we are so happy this day has come!!!!!!!! happy, happy birthday sweet rhonda. what a crazy one it will be! and happy thanksgiving too. we are THANKFUL for your family to finally all be together. we LOVE you all. i want to call you right this minute, but i know i need to let you sleep. know that the kollars are praying every day for you.

  2. My dear friend, Rhonda, we too are praying for you and excited about this dream come true and God's provision for you and your family! May this be a very special Birthday for you and you open your arms to God's precious gift to you!
    Loving you!

  3. We are so glad that you're beginning the final leg of your journey to bring home your sweet boy. We will be praying for safe, speedy travels & physical rest and strength.
