
We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to the Johnson family, Nathan Jiang! Please join us here as we update you on our adventures as we bring Nathan home.

~He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14~

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Waiting in Chicago

So, Keith and I are sitting at a food court at Chicago O'Hare and in a few hours will be on our way to Beijing and one step closer to holding Nathan. This is it!! We're really going.

There's so much in my heart and so much that hasn't been said yet, but I'm guessing that over the next few weeks in particular I'll get the chance to fill in some of the cracks. The main thing I'm feeling right now is gratitude. I'm thankful and it is fitting because tomorrow is Thanksgiving.

I'm thankful for Keith. He is my partner and dear husband. I can't imagine this journey without him. Any of you who know him know that he is a stickler for details and he has covered every base of our preparation beautifully.

Earlier this week, when I was at Target (buying more medicine than I have ever bought before) he was at home arranging all of the documents on the floor of his office. This whole process of adoption is filled with documents to be filled in and signed and sent off to one place and then another. And now the last documents are in our bags and we are packed and we are really going to get him.

Back to gratefulness ---- well, I just want to say that I'm grateful for the waiting. I've hated it at times and cried out in frustration at times, but the Lord has had his sweet way with me in the midst of my balled up fists. He has taught me that He is God and I am not. He is the ONE who controls all things. He brings the sun up and He brings kings into power and removes them. He knew when a tiny little baby with a heart-broken mother would be left at a river in PingDingShan. And He knew that Nathan belonged to us. So, He let us wait and He didn't cower or budge on the timing that He knew was right for our family.

So, today, one day before both Thanksgiving and my birthday, I want to proclaim my thanksgiving to the God of our lives. He is good and His plans are right and we are humbled by His timing and His provision. My arms are aching to hold Nathan so tight and whisper how much I love him and how long I waited and how worth the wait he was. That will come soon...in 5 days to be exact. Until then and in this final waiting time, I'll keep thanking the Lord.

Thank you Jesus, for sending a little son into our lives.


  1. Yay! You're on your way. :) We're praying for your safe journey.

  2. Praying for you all! Can't wait to meet Nathan in person! Have a wonderful trip and a wonderful time meeting Nathan and bringing him home!
