
We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to the Johnson family, Nathan Jiang! Please join us here as we update you on our adventures as we bring Nathan home.

~He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14~

Friday, November 26, 2010

Seeing China from a Rickshaw

This morning we went and saw history - by rickshaw. The quaint, ancient neighborhood of the old homes, or "horts", was fascinating to hear about and see. Only those employed by the Ming and Qin emperors could live there. They were built with courtyards and wove along narrow alleys. As our driver peddled our bicycle down some of those alleys, we nestled under a cozy blanket in the 35 degree weather. Then, we got out for awhile and got to walk inside and see one of the homes. The family has lived there for 5 generations and the grandmother told us about her life now. She was born in that home.

Our tour representative for our agency, George, called rickshaws China's early form of a BMW. It certainly was quite an experience. I loved it when our sweet rickshaw driver, noting Keith's height, called him Yao Ming. [For those of you not into basketball, Yao Ming is a 7 foot starter in the NBA who is very famous in China.] Anyway, that ride was unforgettable.
Then, we toured a silk factory and learned how silk is made. It was so interesting. Did you know that single cacoons are used for clothing and double ones are used to make quilts. I used my birthday money and bought a queen silk quilt for our bed. It is so cool.

After our Chinese lunch we walked through Tian'an Men Square followed by the grand palace, nicknamed the Forbidden City because only the emperor and his insiders were allowed into it.

The emperor demanded full allegiance and worship from his people and the enormity of his empire and palace (with over 9000 rooms) was fascinating to consider. What is it in a man's heart that causes him to see himself as a god? The throne for the emperor had a special set of stairs only he could use. And when he came into his palace there was a gate that only he could enter through.

As Keith and I looked at that throne, we were thinking about the ONE king of the universe who deserves our worship. No human can fill those shoes or should fill those shoes. How very grateful we are to be serving the King of Kings. And someday everyone will know that truth. What a day that will be. For now, our prayer is that Nathan will come to see the beauty and majesty of that king above all others.

So, the day is done and I'm dragging a lot more today. Keith had to pull me out the door to get dinner at 6 p.m. I just wanted to sleep.

The days are ticking down and even though Nathan doesn't know it yet, we are growing in our anticipation that very soon he will know it! Meeting all of the other amazing families and beginning to hear some of their stories is also so inspiring for us. What a blessing to be on this adoption journey!!!


  1. love seeing your happy faces! :-)

  2. Happy birthday Rhonda and Happy Thanksgiving to you both! How wonderful the timing of all of this. The blog is a great way to communicate and document. We are enjoying reading about your journey and praying that all goes well.

  3. Praying for you, that you'd regain your strength and be refreshed for your travels to get your son.

  4. So glad you are getting to enjoy the city. One day closer to Nathan!

  5. Keith and Rhonda, I am reading your reports and LOVING it! We will never forget the first moment that we saw Thaddy's face, and we're sure that the same will be true with you and Nathan. SO excited that the day is almost here!!

  6. Love these updates! It's so great that you're doing this. It's wonderful that you're doing this trip sequentially the way you are - easing into and appreciating culture and then....gotcha day! I'm praying for each step of the journey (and from the sounds of it, that's a lot of steps going up on the Great Wall!) :-) Love and prayers!
